Thank you for visiting our site! We are a wholesale jewelry manufacturer, selling to the trade only.
To view our current line and previous Market galleries, click the link below. If you have any issues or questions, you can email us at the following:
When viewing the pictures, roll your cursor over the arrow at the bottom of the photo to see the style number and description of the can click on that to bring up the info. Yes, we are not enthused by this feature either and are working to change it, but for the moment that's apparently how it works.
P.S.--There will be a button in the top right corner that says "Buy Photos". DO NOT click this. We are not selling photographs of our pieces...not that anyone has ever expressed an interest in purchasing one, but just in, don't do that, it will make you sad.
Thanks again and we look forward to hearing from you! At long last, here is the link:)
A Resale Tax Certificate is required for wholesale orders.

Our Sterling silver pieces have been featured in Victoria Magazine on a number of occasions, and as those pieces are not in the current line (at this point, they are actually vintage in their own right), we are offering them for sale to the general public.
To view these monogram items please click below:
To view these monogram items please click below: